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Union "Tales the War" in the Trans-Mississippi
Part 1: 1861
Edited by Michael E. Banasik
Published here for the first time since they appeared in the pages of the St. Louis Republican in the 1880s, these are the stories of the Union veterans of the Civil War in the Trans-Mississippi. Part One covers the events in Missouri that led up to Missouri reluctantly entering the Civil War, including the war preparations in St. Louis, the arrival of Nathaniel Lyon in St. Louis, and the role he played in preparing the Union side for the eventual conflict in Missouri. Also included, you will be introduced to the Missouri secession crisis and the capture of Camp Jackson on May 10, 1861, which propelled Missouri into the Civil War. The 1861 volume of this series includes extensive accounts on the Battles of Carthage (July 5, 1861), Wilson’s Creek (August 10, 1861), and, to a lesser extent, the Battle of Belmont on November 7, 1861, as related by the pilot of General Grant’s headquarters vessel, the Belle Memphis. This volume also includes several appendices covering official correspondence, various biographies, and extensive Orders of Battle for the major engagements in 1861 Missouri.
Union "Tales of the War" Part One: 1861 is the first part of Volume VIII of our long-running series on the Trans-Mississippi, Unwritten Chapters of the Civil War West of the River.
280 pages, illustrated, maps, appendices, index, paperback; ISBN: 978-1-929919-95-6, $17.95
Iowa and the Civil War
Volume 3:
The Longest Year, 1864-1865
By Kenneth L. Lyftogt
On 5 May 1864, Ulysses S. Grant, general-in-chief of all the Union armies, sat on his horse and watched as the long infantry columns of the Army of the Potomac marched down the road to Germana Ford on the Rapidan River in Virginia. The decisive struggle of the Eastern Theater of the Civil War was about to begin—General Grant against General Robert E. Lee. On the same day, General William T. Sherman, in command of three mighty armies, rode out of Chattanooga, Tennessee, into the Rebel state of Georgia. The decisive struggle in the West was about to begin—General Sherman against General Joseph E. Johnston. The objectives of the two Union generals were the same; they intended to destroy the Confederacy’s two major armies by hammering them against the Confederacy’s two most important cities, Richmond, Virginia, and Atlanta, Georgia.
General Sherman’s armies, the Army of the Tennessee, the Army of the Ohio, and the Army of the Cumberland, totaled over 100,000 soldiers; the vast majority of them were battle-hardened, reenlisted veterans who had marched under Grant and Sherman from Belmont to Fort Donelson, to Shiloh, to Corinth, to Vicksburg, and to Chattanooga. The Army of the Tennessee had been Grant’s army. When he was promoted to the top command it became Sherman’s. The Army of the Tennessee was also Iowa’s army. Hawkeyes had been with Grant and Sherman in each of their battles and campaigns, and every victory, every promotion was made possible, in large part, through the blood and valor of Iowa soldiers.
The Longest Year is volume three of a three-volume, comprehensive history of Iowa’s role in the Civil War, the first to be published in over 130 years. It begins with the spring campaign of 1864 in Georgia and ends with the mustering out of Iowa’s veteran regiments.
562 pages, illustrated, notes, maps, bibliography, index, cloth with dust jacket. (Published 2022; ISBN: 978-1-929919-94-9) $40.00
The Twenty-Eighth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry
By Ephraim E. Blake
E. E. Blake enlisted in Co. G., 28th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, on August 15, 1862, and served with his regiment throughout the Civil War. Unusual for an Iowa regiment, the 28th Infantry served both in the Western and Eastern Theaters of the War. As an employee of the Belle Plaine, Iowa, Union newspaper in the 1890s, Blake was enticed by his editor to write a personal record of his experiences for an upcoming reunion of the regiment. This book is the result. The original edition, published in 1896 in plain paper wrappers, is extremely scarce. This retypeset edition features a new introduction by local Iowa historian Roxana Currie.
I first came across this obscure history of the Iowa 28th nearly 30 years ago when I was doing research on the 22nd Iowa. I obtained a Xerox of it from the State Historical Society and always intended to reprint it one day. But it would be necessary to retype it as the Xerox copy was very faint. Last year Iowa historian Roxana Currie asked if I knew of any book projects she could work on, and I asked her if she would be interested in retyping the Blake book. She agreed, and also researched a new introduction. The cover is a facsimile of the original paper cover.
Blake's writing and sentence structure are a bit rough, necessitating some copyediting, but other than a few such corrections, the memoir is as he wrote it. Fair warning: the author had a 19th century white person’s attitude toward Blacks that is condescending and mean, which could tend to offend some modern readers. But he was an abolitionist and fought a war to rid the country of slavery. Given the sacrifices he and his comrades made to that end, I think we can cut him some slack.
The author included a roster of the 28th Iowa, which unfortunately is incomplete and riddled with inaccuracies, for which reason I decided to leave it out of the new edition. Rosters of Iowa Civil War regiments are easily accessible online if anyone is looking for that information.
142 pages, new introduction by Roxana Currie, 5.25 x 8" paperback. (Published 2021; ISBN: 978-1-929919-92-5) $10.00.
Iowa and the Civil War
Volume 2:
From Iuka to the Red River, 1862-1864
By Kenneth L. Lyftogt
In the first months of 1862 the West saw the first great Union victories of the Civil War. The capture of Fort Donelson in February opened the Tennessee River to Union gunboats and transports, making a full-scale invasion of the Confederacy possible. The Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, in March secured Missouri, and the Battle of Shiloh in April salvaged the Union foothold on the Tennessee-Mississippi border.
While Iowa’s soldiers marched and fought, the people back home rallied to their support. Women such as Keokuk’s Annie Turner Wittenmyer and Ann Harlan, wife of Senator James Harlan, organized aid societies that gathered tons of clothes, food, and other supplies and saw to it that they got to the Iowa troops in the field. Women, some remembered, but most lost to history, often went to war. Many Iowa regiments had wives, mothers, and other women volunteers who worked in the hospitals and in the camps.
Local newspapers kept the people of Iowa informed on the battles and politics, while war rallies and celebrations kept the war fever hot. The dead, brought home from far away, and the returning sick and wounded served as daily reminders of Iowa’s commitment to the war.
From Iuka to the Red River is volume two of a three-volume, comprehensive history of Iowa’s role in the Civil War, the first to be published in over 130 years. It begins with the situation in the North following the Battle of Shiloh and ends with General Frederick Steele’s fighting retreat through Arkansas following the Red River Campaign.
476 pages, illustrated, notes, maps, bibliography, index, cloth with dust jacket. (Published 2018; ISBN: 978-1-929919-91-8) $40.00
"Iowa and the Civil War, Volume 2 continues in strong vein Kenneth Lyftogt's long reach into the state's military, political, and behind-the-lines support contributions to the Union war effort. Highlighting many obscure individuals, military units, and wartime events along the way, it's deserving of wide readership." Civil War Books and Authors. Read the full review.
Winner of the State Historical Society of Iowa's 2021 Benjamin Shambaugh Award, Honorable Mention!
Iowa and the Civil War
Volume 1:
Free Child of the Missouri Compromise
By Kenneth L. Lyftogt
The Civil War was one of the pivotal events in American history, a conflict that encompassed every aspect of 19th century America, from its revolutionary heritage to its expanding continental empire. The war’s significance has been the subject of scholarship for generations and has provided inspiration for some of the finest literature in American history. Every generation finds itself drawn to the Civil War, as well it should be. The war involved larger than life characters, worthy of Homer, doing battle over the greatest issues of any age.
Iowa, the “Beautiful Land” between the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, was a frontier state on the cutting edge of every issue of the Civil War. Iowa was a Union state and a Republican stronghold, which sent thousands of its sons to the struggle. Their graves stretch from Missouri to Virginia. Iowa’s politicians and civilian population played critical roles throughout the war, from the halls of Congress in Washington DC to the state capital in Des Moines, and in every Iowa town, village, and farm. Each Iowa community shares a Civil War heritage, a part of the nation’s legacy of that terrible conflict.
Free Child of the Missouri Compromise is volume one of a three-volume, comprehensive history of Iowa’s role in the Civil War, the first to be published in 130 years. It begins with the events and issues that led up to the war and ends with the decisive Battle of Shiloh in April of 1862.
Winner of the State Historical Society of Iowa's 2018 Benjamin Shambaugh Award, Honorable Mention!
436 pages, illustrated, notes, maps, bibliography, index, cloth with dust jacket. (Published 2018; ISBN: 978-1-929919-79-6) $40.00
By Laurence Freiheit
This is the frist full length biography of General Joseph Mansfield, Regular Army officer and commander of the XII Corps, Army of the Potomac, who was killed at the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862.
Written by the author of Boots and Saddles: Cavalry During the Maryland Campaign of 1862, this detailed biography covers General Mansfield’s life, most of which was spent in the service of the U.S. Army as an engineer. After spending many years in the construction of Fort Pulaski, Savannah, Georgia, he served in the Mexican-America War, where he was severely wounded. He was one of a few officers to receive three brevet promotions from captain to colonel for meritorious conduct. His tour as an inspector general highlighted his intrepid desire to ensure military preparedness on the new American frontier after the Mexican-American War. This biography is profusely illustrated with period maps and images, which aid in understanding Mansfield’s world.
814 pages, 8 1/2 x 11 case laminate hardcover, illustrations, maps, notes, appendices, bibliography, index. (Published 2019; ISBN: 978-1-929919-88-8) $45.00. NOTE: Limited availability, shipping extra due to size and weight, sales tax will be applied. Call to order, 800-204-2407.
Read an interview with author Laurence Freiheit on Drew Wagenhoffers's Civil War Books and Authors.
Brave Men Shouldered Their Muskets
By Roxana Currie
Roxana Currie, author of Murder! and Polk City's Early History, has updated her history of the Polk City, Iowa, men who went to the Civil War. From the back cover:
Brave Men Shouldered Their Muskets was originally published in 1996 on one of those obsolete objects of the 20th Century, a printing press. This 2nd edition not only updates the technology but includes fresh information about Polk City’s Civil War soldiers.
The contribution of Iowa, and even of our little town of Polk City, to the Civil War effort was monumental. These soldiers’ idealism, whether fighting to preserve the Union or to abolish slavery, required the soldier’s common sacrifice of family home and comfort. It required the supreme sacrifice from very many. But after the war, many came home. And more veterans also came to town, looking for a fresh start. These together became part of the fabric of the community that Polk City is today.
The author hopes by updating the book that the stories of these soldiers will be remembered even now in the 21st Century. Indeed, their stories should never be forgotten. They were brave men.
104 pages, illustrated, notes, index, paperback. (Published 2019; ISBN: 978-1-929919-86-4) $13.00.
Thomas W. Knox: Civil War Correspondent in Missoui
By Robert G. Schultz
By the beginning of the Civil War, the New York Herald, founded in 1835, had become one of the largest and most influential newspapers in the country. The Herald sent correspondents throughout the North to report on the war. Among them, Thomas W. Knox was assigned to report on the war in Missouri, based in St. Louis. In the early days of the war, there was much action to report on in Missouri. Knox was an ideal choice for this assignment and had a particular talent and perception for his assignment. He was able to be close to the Union leaders as they struggled to build a war machine to cope with secessionists in their midst and, at the same time, he was able to tell human interest stories about ordinary people and the effect of the war on them. He accompanied many of the expeditions and filed first-hand reports on the scenery, movements, and actions. These are his reports as they appeared in the New York Herald. They offer a different, more extensive view than that usually seen in books on the early part of the war in Missouri.
"By reprinting Knox’s correspondence and adding editorial commentary, Robert G. Schultz provides present-day readers with an entertaining and informative reminder of the centrality of Missouri in the North’s overall strategy to save the Union. This is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand the first year of the Civil War."
—William Garrett Piston, co-author,
Portraits of Conflict: A Photographic History of Missouri in the Civil War, and Professor Emeritus, Missouri State University.
“From the aftermath of the Camp Jackson incident in St. Louis to the battle at Pea Ridge, Arkansas, Knox provides timely reporting – and insightful editorial comment – all ably edited by Robert Schultz and amplified by his narrative. Schultz has created a highly readable account that will please the novice as well as the veteran student of Missouri’s civil war."
—William Winter, author of
The Civil War in St. Louis: A Guided Tour.
"An entertaining writer and acute observer, Thomas W. Knox’s contemporary reporting will delight scholars and non-scholars alike. Bob Schultz’s expert editing enhances Knox’s lively account of the first year of the Civil War in Missouri."
—Bruce Allardice, Professor of History, South Suburban College, South Holland, IL, and author of
More Generals in Gray and other books on the Civil War.
Dr. Robert G. Schultz is a retired research chemist and history teacher. He is the author of The March to the River, and the editor of two other books, and has spoken extensively on the Civil War in Missouri and the Trans-Mississippi.
586 pages, illustrated, maps, notes, bibliography, index, paperback. (Published 2018; ISBN: 978-1-929919-85-7) $27.50.
NEW! General J. O. Shelby at Clarendon, Arkansas: The Capture and Destruction of the U.S.S. Queen City
By Don Roth
It can be said that the American Civil War has drawn more interest and historical scholarship than any other event in our nation’s past. The War as it was fought west of the Mississippi River has perhaps been the least covered of all the aspects of the conflict.
General J. O. Shelby at Clarendon, Arkansas: The Capture and Destruction of the U.S.S. Queen City addresses the cauldron of lawlessness generated by deserters from both sides behind enemy lines, while highlighting the destruction of the U.S.S.
Queen City by Gen. Joseph O. Shelby. This 1864 event on the lower White River, 50 miles from the Mississippi River, marks the only sinking of a Federal warship in Arkansas waters. Considered one of the best Confederate cavalrymen to operate in the Trans-Mississippi, Shelby led his “Iron Brigade” on one of the longest cavalry raids of the Civil War.
Author Don Roth highlights his subject’s talent in both the tactical and strategic aspect of cavalry operations. He endeavors to humanize as many of the players as possible with photographs, some of which are published for the first time.
From the Introduction by H. Glenn Mosenthin
Editor and Board Member
Grand Prairie Historical Society
60 pages, illustrated, maps, notes, roster.
(Published 2017; ISBN: 978-1-929919-77-2) $10.00
Campaigns of the 20th Iowa Infantry: With Personal Reminiscences of the War
By J. D. Barnes. Edited by M. Lawrence Shannon
Between January 21, 1887, and May 11, 1888, Joseph D. Barnes of Le Claire, Iowa, wrote 66 articles for the
Port Byron (IL) Globe, in which he recounted his experiences as a common soldier in the 20th Iowa Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War. In addition to the service of his own regiment, Barnes relates the record of the 2nd Iowa Infantry and the 2nd Iowa Cavalry, as many of the men in his own regiment had friends and relatives in the other two. In this way, Barnes’s narrative covers much of the Civil War in the Western and Trans-Mississippi Theaters.
In 2000 M. Lawrence Shannon, descendant of John Shannon of the 20th Iowa, discovered these articles preserved on microfilm in the Port Byron Library and, with his wife’s assistance, transcribed them with the intention of republishing Barnes’s recollections in a book. Sadly Mr. Shannon passed away before he could see his book in print, but now, thanks to the efforts of his widow, Mrs. Pauline Shannon, the project has been completed.
356 pages, illustrated, notes, bibliography, roster, index.
Available in both paperback and high quality hardcover cloth with dust jacket. Bookseller discount available.
Paperback edition (Published 2016; ISBN: 978-1-929919-70-3) $20.00
Cloth with dustjacket edition (Published 2014: ISBN: 978-1-929919-69-7) $30.00
This is the first detailed study of the campaign of Samuel R. Curtis’s Army of the Southwest following its important victory at the Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas (March 7-8, 1862). After the withdrawal of Earl Van Dorn’s Confederate army from northwest Arkansas, General Curtis’s next obvious move was to capture Little Rock, the state capital. Poor roads, raging rivers, tenuous supply lines, and harassing Rebel cavalry made for a meandering march back up into Missouri, then down into Arkansas along the White River. For the first time a Union army had to depend on foraging off the enemy’s resources for much of its sustenance—a feat repeated more famously two years later in General William T. Sherman’s “March to the Sea.” Ultimately, Curtis had to abandon his attempt at Little Rock and instead led his army through to Helena, arriving in mid-July.
Bob Schultz has thoroughly researched his book in private archives, period newspaper accounts, published and unpublished soldiers’ diaries, letters, and memoirs, and the Army and Navy Official Records. Includes the maps, many published for the first time, drawn by Lyman G. Bennett of the 36th Illinois Infantry.
454 pages, illustrated, maps, notes, bibliography, index.
ISBN: 978-1-929919-60-4, paperback (Published 2014; ISBN: 978-1-929919-60-4) $24.95
THE THREE OF HEARTS: STORIES OF WORLD WAR II FROM SOUTHEAST IOWA, compiled by Larry Cuddeback & Cheyenne Miller. This is a sequel to the authors' very popular compilation of World War II stories from southeast Iowa, WE LUCKY FEW, published in 2012. THE THREE OF HEARTS contains principally the letters, diaries, written memoirs, and interview accounts of veterans who are no longer living, but who for their selfless valor and sacrifice can never be forgotten.
Laminated hardcover, smyth-sewn binding, 422 pages, with facsimiles and photographs, index. (Published 2014, ISBN 978-1-929919-59-8).
Out of print
More info and excerpt
FROM VICKSBURG TO CEDAR CREEK: THE 22ND IOWA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY IN THE CIVIL WAR, by Thomas P. McKenna. This is the first comprehensive history of the 22nd Iowa Volunteer Infantry to be published in over 100 years. The regiment was formed in Iowa City, Iowa in August 1862, and served for three years. It was one of the few Civil War regiments which served in both the Western Theater, where it fought under General Grant in the Vicksburg Campaign, and in the Eastern Theater, where it fought under General Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley. In addition to the
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, and many post-war memoirs, extensive research for this book was done over several decades in archives, historical societies, and libraries in Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C. Documents from those repositories were supplemented by visits to Vicksburg National Military Park and the Shenandoah Valley battlefields, including multiple visits to Cedar Creek. Many letters from individual soldiers on both sides and excerpts from two unpublished diaries tell how soldiers on both sides experienced the war.
Thomas P. McKenna is a former department commander of Sons of Union Veterans and a long-time member of a Civil War roundtable. He has an M.A. in history and is the author of the William E. Colby Award-winning
Kontum: The Battle to Save South Vietnam, published by the University Press of Kentucky. He has also published many magazine articles on military history and biography. He is a retired U.S. Army officer who received the Combat Infantry Badge, Purple Heart, and several decorations for valor while serving in Vietnam. He is also the great-grandson of a soldier in the 22nd Iowa Volunteer Infantry.
For the first time, Camp Pope Publishing is offering this new title in both paperback and cloth with dustjacket editions. 224 pages, illustrated, maps, notes, bibliography, index.
Paperback edition (Published 2014; ISBN: 978-1-929919-55-0) Out of Print.
Case lamniate with dustjacket edition (Published 2014: ISBN: 978-1-929919-56-7) $28.95
THIS JOLLY LITTLE GUNBOAT: THE USS WINONA ON THE GULF COAST AND MISSISSIPPI RIVER, 1861-1863, Edited by Patrick E. Purcell, with a foreword by Edwin C. Bearss. The edited diary of seaman Montgomery P. Griffis, covering two years of operations on the Gulf Coast and Mississippi River on the
Unadilla-class Federal gunboat
Winona. Detailed coverage of the shelling of Forts Jackson and St. Phillip, LA, and the assault on Fort Butler, LA. Appendices include several poems/songs that were included in the diary, plus a descriptive list of all naval vessels mentioned in the diary. Paperback, 190 pages, illustrated, map, appendices, bibliography, index. (Published 2014; ISBN 978-1-929919-54-3) $13.95.
More info.
OF THE FIRST IOWA INFANTRY, by Eugene F. Ware. A memoir of Iowa’s
first Civil War regiment, which fought at the Battle of Wilson’s Creek. 424
pages, cloth bound, illustrations, maps, new introduction and index. (1991, originally published 1907; ISBN 0-9628936-0-9) $24.95.
Memoir of an officer in the 5th Iowa Infantry, author of the famous
war song “Sherman’s March to the Sea.” 220 pages, cloth bound, illustrations,
new introduction and index. (1992, originally published 1911; ISBN 0-9628936-2-5) $20.00.
by William Forse Scott. Official history
of the 4th Iowa Cavalry. One of the best regimental histories ever written.
630 pages, cloth bound, maps, folding maps and battle plans, list of Engagements
and Casualties, introduction and index. (1992, originally published 1893; ISBN 0-9628936-3-3). Out of print.
Edition, handbound in Nigerian goatskin and fine linen bookcloth by Jeff
Sandlin of Valparaiso, Indiana. This edition is limited to 10 numbered copies. Out of print.
INFANTRY, by S. C. Jones.
Memoir of an officer in the 22nd Iowa Infantry, famous for its May 22, 1863, charge
at Vicksburg, and one of only three Iowa regiments to fight in the eastern
theater (Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1864). Originally published 1907 in
Iowa City, Iowa, in an edition that has since become very scarce; 217 pages,
cloth bound with dust jacket, illustrations, maps, new introduction by Jeffry
Burden, and index. CPP reprinted this title in 1993 as a hardcover, which is now out-of-print. But it's available once again in a new paperback edition, ISBN 978-1-929919-65-9). $17.95.
WAR BETWEEN THE STATES, by Joseph A. Mudd. The history of a Confederate
recruiting raid behind enemy lines in Northeast Missouri in the summer of
1862. Paperback Edition of our original, indexed reprint of 1992. 504 pages,
illustrated, fully indexed, paperback. (1999, originally published 1909; ISBN 1-929919-00-X) $19.95.
Detailed Description.
AMERICAN PATRIOTISM OR MEMOIRS OF “COMMON MEN,” by Leonard Brown. Memorial to the men of Polk County, Iowa, who died in the CW. Contains diaries, letters, and interviews related to the 1st and 2nd Batteries, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 22nd, 23rd, 29th, 32nd, 33rd, 34th, 39th, 44th, 47th Iowa Infantries, and the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th and 9th Iowa Cavalries. New intro and index, cloth, 624pp. Rpt. of 1869 ed. Stock limited. (2002, originally published 1869; ISBN 1-929919-03-4). $40.00.
LEFT FOR DIXIE: THE CIVIL WAR DIARY OF JOHN RATH, by Kenneth Lyftogt. Revised edition, with more illustrations and new index. Rath served in the 31st Iowa Infantry. Illustrated, maps, bibliography, paperback, 112pp. (2004, ISBN 1-929919-05-0). (Sorry, no bookseller discount on this item.) $8.00.
IOWA’S FORGOTTEN GENERAL: MATTHEW MARK TRUMBULL, by Kenneth Lyftogt. First biography of this English immigrant and northeast Iowa pioneer who raised a company of soldiers for the Third Iowa Infantry, rose to the command of the regiment after the Battle of Shiloh, then in 1863 was chosen to command the Ninth Iowa Cavalry. Illustrated, maps, notes, bibliography, index, paperback, 128pp. (Published 2005; ISBN 1-929919-06-9). (Sorry, no bookseller discount on this item.) $10.00.
MURDER!, by Roxana Currie. The story of an unsolved murder in Polk City, Iowa, in 1882. Illustrated, paperback, 80pp. (Published 2005; ISBN: 1-929919-07-7). $14.00.
POLK CITY'S EARLY HISTORY: BEFORE 1900, by Roxana Currie. A compilation of articles on the history of Polk City, Iowa, by local historian Roxana Currie, including 26 historical and new photographs, plus a bibliography. Paperback, 150pp. (Published 2010; ISBN 978-1-929919-25-3). $17.50.
CAMP AND PRISON JOURNAL: EMBRACING SCENES IN CAMP, ON THE MARCH, AND IN PRISONS, by Griffin Frost. A memoir of service in the Missouri State Guard and prison life in Gratiot Street Prison (St. Louis) and Alton Prison (Alton, Illinois), first reprinted by PCPB in 1994, available again in a new paperback edition. New introduction and index, 354pp. (2006, originally published 1867; ISBN 1-929919-09-3) $20.00.
Detailed Description.
VETERANS AND EVENTS IN THE CIVIL WAR IN SOUTHEAST MISSOURI, by Bob Schmidt. Fresh research on another aspect of the Battle of Pilot Knob, concerning the execution of Major James Wilson and his men, the retaliation executions of the Confederates in St. Louis, and the planned retaliation execution of Major Enoch O. Wolf. Regimental history/roster of the 78th Enrolled Missouri Militia, which was comprised mostly of Ste. Genevieve and Perry County men. In depth information on John Koester, Charles Kannawurf, Charles Doerge, Anselm Stolzer and Leopold Naeger, who were immigrant Germans serving in the Civil War. Illustrated, maps, facsimiles, 8 ¼ x 11 paperback, 249pp. (2006, ISBN 1-929919-08-5) $25.00.
CIVIL WAR VETERANS AND UNION TROOP ORGANIZATIONS IN SOUTHEAST MISSOURI, by Bob Schmidt. In this new work, regional historian Bob Schmidt continues his research into the Civil War participants, both soldiers and civilians, and military units, of southeast Missouri. The 460-page book contains biographies of nearly 100 individuals, drawn from various obscure sources, plus short histories of southeast Missouri Home Guard and Enrolled Missouri Militia units. The text is supplemented by dozens of facsimile documents, drawings, maps, and other illustrations. 8 ¼ x 11 paperback, illustrated, index, 460pp. (2010, ISBN: 978-1-929919-24-6) $29.95.
CIVIL WAR JUSTICE IN SOUTHEAST MISSOURI, by Bob Schmidt. Regional historian Bob Schmidt is back with another book about the Civil War in southeast Missouri.
Civil War Justice in Southeast Missouri documents seven cases involving both civilians and soldiers in the Missouri Bootheel: The Murder of Samuel Vance McFarland; Cpl. John F. Abshire, Martyr of the Confederacy; The Arrests of John Benton and Missouri Coffman; The Killing of Addison Cunningham; The Killing of Joseph Jokerst; Found Guilty: Spitting on a Soldier; and Drinking On Duty: The Case of Pvt. James Shields. 8 ½ x 11 paperback, 230 pages, including over 25 facsimiles and illustrations. (2010, ISBN: 978-1-929919-29-1) $25.00.
"BOYS OF THE BEST FAMILIES IN THE STATE": COMPANY E, 2ND MISSOURI CONFEDERATE CAVALRY, by Bob Schmidt. The second edition of Bob Schmidt's history and roster of this Confederate mounted unit from Missouri's bootheel. Bibliography, index, 8 ½ x 11 paperback, 456 pp. (2011, ISBN: 978-1-929919-32-1) $32.00.
CIVIL WAR MYSTERIES SOLVED: MURDER OF WILLIAM PICKLES & PRAIRIE DU ROCHER RAID, by Bob Schmidt. Bob Schmidt's latest work concerns two seemingly unrelated violent events of the Civil War: the murder of William Pickles in Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri, on August 11, 1861, and the killing of John Highley by Missouri Militia soldiers in a skirmish outside of Prairie du Rocher, Illinois, on April 6, 1864. The book is a continuation of Schmidt's
Civil War Justice in Southeast Missouri, published by CPP in 2010. 8 ½ x 11, illustrated, with an index, 276 pp. (2012, ISBN: 978-1-929919-47-3). $25.00.
THE MILITARY DESTRUCTION OF SLAVERY IN SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 1861–1864 & THE RISE OF THE USCT, by Bob Schmidt. Bob Schmidt's latest work is not just another book on slavery, but rather on its demise in Southeast Missouri during
the Civil War. It also is not a chronology of the Civil War in that region. However, without the Civil War and the military, slavery would have continued. This opinion is sustained by decades of political maneuvering on both the State and Federal levels which actually strengthened the institution. Too, during the War, when the Southern Slave States were not represented in the US Congress, northern politicians, including President Lincoln, could not agree on how to dismantle the system. It is wondered, that if the Conflict had ended after a year or had the Seceding States voted to return to the Union, if not slavery would have been continued unabated.
Included are histories of several USCT units plus numerous maps, facsimiles and illustrations.
8 ½ x 11, illustrated, with an index, 376 pp. (2015, ISBN: 978-1-929919-63-5). $25.00.

SKIM MILK YANKEES FIGHTING: THE BATTLE OF ATHENS, MISSOURI, AUGUST 5, 1861, by Jonathan Cooper-Wiele. The first detailed study of this early, northeast Missouri battle between the Missouri Home Guard (for the Union) and the Missouri State Guard (for the Confederacy). 55 photographs, 3 maps, roster, notes, bibliography, index, paperback, 166pp. (2007, ISBN 978-1-929919-12-3) $14.95.
Detailed Description.
EBER: PIONEER IN IOWA, by Ronald Stone. The biography of Iowa pioneer Eber Stone, as told through his letters and other documents. Illustrated, index, paperback, 236pp. (2008, ISBN: 978-1-929919-13-0) $19.00.
VANISHING FOOTPRINTS: THE TWENTY-SECOND IOWA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY IN THE CIVIL WAR, by Samuel D. Pryce, edited by Jeffry C. Burden. The “official” history of the 22nd Iowa, written 100 years ago, published now for the first time. Illustrated, maps, notes, bibliography, index, paperback, 256pp. (2008, ISBN 978-1-929919-14-7) $18.95.
Detailed Description.
MICAJAH PEYTON: THE CIVIL WAR YEARS, by Ken Ossian. A new history of the 14th Iowa compiled from B. F. Thomas’s
Soldier Life, F. F. Kiner’s
One Year’s Soldiering, the
Official Records, and other sources. Illustrated, maps, hardcover in dj, 136pp. (2009, ISBN 978-1-929919-18-5). (Sorry, no bookseller discount on this item.) $30.00.
CHILDREN AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG: THEIR UNFORGETTABLE SUMMER, by Robert Jones. Juvenile fiction about two Gettysburg children and a farm boy from Virginia who get caught up in the Battle of Gettysburg. 8½ x 11, softcocver, 65 pages, 54 full color illustrations. (2010, ISBN 978-1-929919-26-0). $14.50.
BOOCAT UNLEASHED, by Barbara Sharik. More than a book about a cat,
BooCat Unleashed is a memoir of a long life filled with joys and sorrows, an essay on the beauty of nature, and an exploration of the mysterious bond between humans and animals. 6 x 9 softcover, 440 pages, 90 photographs and illustrations (2010, ISBN 978-1-929919-27-7). $20.00.
Have you ever wondered what secrets the universe holds?
Do you ever question your purpose for being on the planet where you live?
Have you ever wondered what if you were really someone in the wrong body?
What if you had no memory of who you were or where you came from?
What if you were awakened to the facts that your entire life had been a collection of notes about the universe? Every chapter of your life was actually a carefully monitored, woven tapestry puzzle written inside of a magical book that had existed for eons.
What if you learn your destiny is to re-write secrets in a book that is unwritten in time?
Co-authors Malika Bourne and Grace Rose invite you to embark on a journey of self discovery. Are the secrets revealed in
The Secrets of the Unwritten Book fact or fiction? What does your heart know?
6 x 9 softcover, 286 pages (2010, ISBN: 978-1-929919-28-4). $13.95.
Lee Miller, a retired engineer living in Muscatine, Iowa, has always been interested in the Civil War. He spent six years researching and writing a history of Crocker's Iowa Brigade. His work on that book drew his attention to the Muscatine County Civil War Memorial, where he noticed a conspicuous disparity between the number of names displayed on the memorial and the actual number of Muscatine County soldiers who died during the Civil War. The explanation was that when the memorial was built in 1875, the full account of Iowa's Civil War dead had not been completed.
Miller became chairman of the Muscatine County Civil War Memorial Committee and raised over $270,00 for a new memorial, which was dedicated on July 4, 2011. This new monument bears the full complement of 513 names of Muscatine County men who died in the Civil War.
Miller's work on the Monument Committee brought to his attention the fact that over 40% of those names come from one regiment, the 35th Iowa Volunteer Infantry. Thus he was inspired to write the first regimental history of the 35th.
The 35th Iowa had a unusually active combat record. Beginning with the Siege of Vicksburg, the regiment fought at Jackson, Pleasant Hill, Yellow Bayou, Old River Lake, Tupelo, Nashville, and Spanish Fort. Forty-nine offices and men were killed or mortally wounded in combat, including their beloved commander Sylvester Hill, and another 188 died of disease.
Based on primary material and contemporary sources, Triumph & Tragedy is a 6 x 9 quality paperback, 154 pages, and features 29 maps, photographs, and illustrations, a full roster, and index. (Published 2012, ISBN: 978-1-929919-41-3). Out of print.
Second Edition now available!
I worked with author Larry Freiheit for a year and a half to bring out his original study of cavalry operations before, during, and after the Battle of Antietam (September 17, 1862). Published in time for the 150th anniversary of the battle, this massive study, the product of years of research and topographical analysis, will surely be the definitive scholarly resource on this aspect of the Civil War for years to come.
The author's interest in the Civil War began when he moved from Washington, DC, to Ashburn (formerly Farmwell), VA. After retiring from employment with the U.S. Veterans Administration in 2000, he decided to continue his education by pursuing a master's degree. The nucleus of Boots and Saddles was a paper he wrote for a graduate history class in 2006.
Painstakingly researched in primary and secondary sources and thoroughly documented and annotated, Boots and Saddles: Cavalry During the Maryland Campaign of September 1862 is a 594-page, 8½ x 11" hardcover, with over 200 maps, photographs, and illustrations. Included is a driving tour written by Craig Swain, with modern maps and GPS coordinates. For the second edition, author Larry Frieheit has made several corrections and updated his sources to include recent research into this Civil War campaign.
More info. (Published 2012, ISBN: 978-1-929919-48-2). $39.50.
THE TOUGHEST MAN IN MONTANA: PIKE LANDUSKY AND HIS GENERATION, by Gene Murdock. Gene Murdock was a local historian down in southeast Missouri, a colleague of author Bob Schmidt, and a sometime customer of the Camp Pope Bookshop. He had written several books on local Civil War subjects and published them himself under the name of Murdock's Historical Publications. Unfortunately Gene died in 2012, leaving a manuscript about a notorious Montana pioneer named Pike Landusky, originally from Gene's part of Missouri, who gained fame as a cattleman, miner, scout, and Indian fighter, until being murdered in his own saloon by the gunfighter Kid Curry (of the Hole in the Wall Gang).
Gene's widow Elaine thought it would be a shame to see all of her husband's research go to waste, so she contacted me to have Gene's last book published. The Toughest Man In Montana thoroughly tracks the genealogy of the Landusky family, while telling the true history of Powell "Pike" Landusky, a story that some tried to sully after the pioneer's death.
The Toughest Man in Montana is a 202 page paperback with maps, photographs, appendices, bibliography, and an index. (Published 2013; ISBN 978-1-929919-47-5). $18.00.
JUDAH: THE STORY OF JUDAH P. BENJAMIN, CONFEDERATE STATESMAN, by Mel Tarman. Children's book author Mel Tarman has written a new biography of Confederate cabinet officer Judah P. Benjamin.
Judah: The Story of Judah P. Benjamin is a 46-page, 6 x 9, illustrated paperback book, intended for readers 6-9 years of age. Mel, a retired businessman, is the author of
Toby Belfer Learns About Heroes and Martyrs (available on Amazon) and
Grandma's Little Secret (forthcoming). (Published 2013; ISBN 978-1-929919-50-5). $6.95.
WE LUCKY FEW: PORTRAITS OF COURAGE & SACRIFICE FROM SE IOWA. This book comprises 110 interviews with World War II veterans from southeastern Iowa, many of whom were members of the 113th Cavalry of the Iowa National Guard, the "Red Horse Squadron." While the Redhorsers were deployed to Europe, all theaters of the war are represented here. These heroes' tales are unique because the majority of the men and women have seldom spoken of their war experiences before. In some cases, the interviews granted to the father and daughter editorial team of Larry Cuddeback and Cheyenne Cuddeback Miller represent the very first time a vet had ever spoken of the war. Some tell of ordinary and often humorous days in uniform. Some recall a war of harrowing combat or grueling privation and suffering in captivity. All are to be honored forever for their noble service to our country.
We Lucky Few is cloth-bound with dust jacket, 421 pages, with illustrations and index. (Published 2012; ISBN: 978-1-929919-49-9) $29.95. Sorry, no bookseller disount on this item.
Out-of print. Sorry.
Detailed Description.
Read excerpt

BOOTS: A NOVELLA OF THE CIVIL WAR, by Anthony F. Gero. Anthony Gero, retired high school teacher and author of several military history books, including
Black Soldiers of New York State: A Proud Legacy and
New York State National Guard (coauthor with Roger Sturke) has decided to try his hand at fiction.
Boots: A Novella of the Civil War is a touching story that weaves a historical incident of Pickett's Charge during the Battle of Gettysburg into the tale of a son's final understanding of his father's experiences in the Civil War.
Boots is a quality paperback, 128 pages, 6 x 9. (Published 2013; ISBN 978-1-929919-52-9).
More about Boots. $14.99.
With the publication of
Missouri Brothers
in Gray in 1998, the Camp Pope Bookshop launched a new series of books edited and
annotated by Michael E. Banasik, author of
Embattled Arkansas: The Prairie
Grove Campaign of 1862. Individual books in the series
Unwritten Chapters of the Civil War West of the River will bring mostly unknown, first-hand
accounts of the war west of the Mississippi, alternating the Southern and
Northern point of view.
William Bull’s service
began as a Missouri State Guardsman, captured at Camp Jackson in the spring
of 1861. He went on, with his brother John, to join Gorham’s (later
Tilden’s, then Lesueur’s) Third Field Battery of Missouri Artillery.
In 1862, John Bull became an officer in MacDonald’s Missouri Cavalry
and later Newton’s 5th Arkansas Cavalry, CSA. William’s reminiscence
of the war, written in 1906 and unpublished until now, along with the letters
both brothers wrote home to St. Louis provide an engaging portrayal of camp
life and battle in this oft neglected theater of the Civil War. 192 pages,
6 x 9, paperback, 6 maps, 15 illustrations, notes, appendices, bibliography,
index. (Published 1998; ISBN 0-9628936-8-4) Out of print.
Volume II: RELUCTANT CANNONEER: THE DIARY OF ROBERT T. MCMAHAN OF THE TWENTY-FIFTH INDEPENDENT OHIO LIGHT ARTILLERY. McMahan joined Company E, Second Ohio Cavalry on August 10, 1861. He arrived at St. Louis on January 18, 1862, and, following a short stay proceeded westward to Kansas, where he participated in the Indian Expedition of 1862, the Lone Jack pursuit in August, and numerous other scouts. On October 19, 1862, McMahan was involuntarily transferred to Stockton’s Kansas Artillery. The battery became the Twenty-fifth Independent Ohio Light Artillery on February 17, 1863, which made McMahan’s transfer permanent. About a year later, upon returning from furlough, McMahan learned that he had again been involuntarily transferred to Battery E, Second Missouri Artillery. As an artilleryman, he would see service at Cane Hill, Prairie Grove, the Van Buren Raid, the Little Rock Campaign, and the Camden Expedition. Corporal McMahan was an excellent observer and chronicler of camp life and battlefield. He also took unusual interest in his physical surroundings, from identifying fossils and geological formations to surveying Union forts and camps. 360 pages, 6 X 9 paperback, maps, illustrations, notes, roster, appendices, index. (Published 2000; ISBN 1-929919-01-8) $19.95.
Banasik. The third volume in our series is the diary of a Confederate officer, Captain Eathan Allen
Pinnell, Company D, Eighth Missouri Infantry. When the war began, Pinnell
enlisted in Company F, Third Missouri Cavalry, Missouri State Guard (probably
the Seventh Division). Rising to the rank of sergeant, Pinnell left the Guard
after his six month term of service had expired. He joined the regular
Confederate Army in August 1862, helping to organize what would become Company
D, Eighth Missouri Infantry. Pinnell's diary, in which he made scrupulously
regular entries, covers the period of time he served in the Confederate Army
from August 1862 to June 1865. Though he participated in only three battles
(Prairie Grove, Pleasant Hill, and Jenkins’ Ferry), Pinnell’s diary
is probably one of the most thorough recollections of Confederate Service
west of the Mississippi River. Captain Pinnell presents vivid accounts of
battlefield actions, camp life, and opinions of the war, particularly on
how the war should have been conducted. 448 pages, 6 x 9, paperback, maps,
illustrations, notes, appendices, bibliography, index. (Published 1999; ISBN 0-9628936-9-2) $19.95.
Banasik. Volume IV in our series consists of 54 letters written in 1861 by newspaper correspondent Franc B. Wilkie. Part I, “The Iowa First: Letters From the War,” was originally published, under that same title, in 1861. The pamphlet, now exceptionally rare, brought together the reports Wilkie sent back to the Dubuque
Herald as he accompanied the First Iowa Infantry from its training camp in Keokuk, Iowa, through to the Battles of Dug Springs and Wilson’s Creek, south of Springfield, Missouri (August 2 and 10, 1861). Part II of the book presents for the first time in book form Wilkie’s continued correspondence on affairs in Missouri, as it was originally published in the New York
Times. While Part I bubbles with the excitement of camp life among the home town boys on their first military expedition, Part II takes a more sedentary and cynical look at military affairs in Missouri under the troubled command of Major General John C. Frémont, with occasional forays by Wilkie into the field (Lexington, Shelbina, Springfield, Milford).
Series editor Michael E. Banasik again provides extensive annotations, a detailed roster of the First Iowa Infantry, casualty figures for the major military engagements that Wilkie covered, biographies of major participants, and other important background material. 424 pages, 6 x 9, paperback, maps,
illustrations, notes, appendices, bibliography, index. (Published 2001; ISBN 1-929919-02-6) $19.95.
Banasik. Volume V of our series covers a very familiar topic, but in a way you probably have not seen before: war dated accounts of the activities of William C. Quantrill’s guerrillas from a Southern perspective. During the Civil War Northern newspapers were filled with shocking reports of the special brand of warfare the Border had known long before cannon were ever trained on Fort Sumter. William Quantrill’s infamous Lawrence Raid in 1863 and Bloody Bill Anderson’s massacre at Centralia, Missouri, a year later gained nationwide attention, and, at least as the Northern press saw things, all of it bad. Editor Michael Banasik, while doing research for another project, had the opportunity to review thousands of Southern newspapers, and he found that very little original writing had ever been published during the war on the Missouri guerrilla. A notable exception was a series of articles published in three Houston, Texas, newspapers during 1864 and 1865. Twelve letters written by someone known only as “Wau-Cas-Sie” were published in the
Tri-Weekly Telegraph and its successor the
Houston Tri-Weekly Telegraph, and the
Houston Daily Telegraph. While the reporting is not as dispassionate as we might have wished, we find confirmation of accounts of Quantrill’s activities as told postwar by such writers as John Edwards and the guerrilla veterans themselves, which have often been dismissed as fiction. Editor Banasik rounds out the story of Quantrill’s guerrillas in Part 2 of the book by republishing the Columbia, Missouri, newspaper report of Frank James’s visit to Centralia in 1897 and a 1918 article by Allen Parmer, probably the youngest of Quantrill’s guerrillas, on Quantrill’s ride to Kentucky in 1865.
Cavaliers of the Brush is thoroughly annotated and indexed, with seven appendices containing resource material from official reports, period newspapers, and secondary studies of William Quantrill’s guerrillas included. 256 pages, 6 x 9 paperback, illustrations, maps, notes, roster, bibliography, index. (Published 2003; ISBN 1-929919-04-2) $17.95.
Banasik. Volume VI of our series presents 119 letters written by William P. Black, Captain of Co K, 37th Illinois Infantry. The letters cover a multitude of subjects from the Battles of Pea Ridge and Prairie Grove, Arkansas, to operations in Louisiana and Texas. William’s letters are straightforward, well-written, and informative. Editor Michael Banasik has added his usual exhaustive historical annotation, and he has compiled the most detailed roster of the 37th Illinois Infantry ever published. The book is further enhanced by other useful appendices, including, for the first time since its publication in the St. Louis
Daily Missouri Democrat, January 1, 1863, the infamous Prairie Grove letter by officer “F” of the 37th, in which the bravery and leadership of William’s older brother Colonel John Black at Prairie Grove is impugned. The scandalous letter led to the Court Martial of its author, the unpopular Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Frisbie. 512 pages, 6 x 9 paperback, illustrations, maps, notes, roster, appendices, bibliography, index. (Published 2006; ISBN 1-929919-10-7) $24.95.
Volume VII: CONFEDERATE "TALES OF THE WAR" IN THE TRANS-MISSISSIPPI, Part One: 1861. Edited by Michael Banasik. In 1885, the
St. Louis Missouri Republican began a Saturday series of articles on the Civil War by the participants, from the lowliest private to the most exalted general. The series ran for two years, comprising in all 94 articles, which dealt with all theaters of the war, including the high seas, from both the Northern and Southern perspectives. Being the home of most readers of the
Republican, Missouri figures prominently in the series. Due to the number of pieces on Missouri and the Trans-Mississippi, editor Michael Banasik has grouped them by year. Part One of
Confederate "Tales of the War" contains only those articles
on the first year of the war, from the Confederate perspective, including the rise to power of Frank Blair and Nathaniel Lyon in St. Louis, the Missouri Battles of Dug Springs, Wilson's
Creek, Springfield (Zagonyi's Charge), Belmont, Salem, Mt. Zion Church, and the controversy over Confederate support for the secession of Missouri. Subsequent volumes in our series will include articles covering the rest of the war, also those from the Northern point of view. 232 pages, 6 x 9 paperback, illustrations, maps, notes, appendices, bibliography, index. (Published 2010; ISBN: 978-1-929919-22-2) $17.95.
Detailed Description.
Volume VII: CONFEDERATE "TALES OF THE WAR" IN THE TRANS-MISSISSIPPI, Part Two: 1862. Unwritten Chapters of the Civil War West of the River, vol. VII. Edited by Michael Banasik. In 1885, the
St. Louis Missouri Republican began a Saturday series of articles on the Civil War by the participants, from the lowliest private to the most exalted general. The series ran for two years, comprising in all 94 articles, which dealt with all theaters of the war, including the high seas, from both the Northern and Southern perspectives. Being the home of most readers of the
Republican, Missouri figures prominently in the series. Due to the number of pieces on Missouri and the Trans-Mississippi, editor Michael Banasik has grouped them by year. Part Two of
Confederate "Tales of the War" contains only those articles dealing with events of 1862, from the Confederate perspective, including the Battles of Pea Ridge, Lone Jack, Prairie Grove, and the "Palmyra Massacre." Subsequent volumes in the series will include articles covering the rest of the war, also those from the Northern point of view. 246 pages, 6 x 9 paperback, illustrations, maps, notes, appendices, bibliography, index. (Published 2011; ISBN: 978-1-929919-36-9) $17.95.
Detailed Description.
Volume VII: CONFEDERATE "TALES OF THE WAR" IN THE TRANS-MISSISSIPPI, Part Three: 1863. Unwritten Chapters of the Civil War West of the River, vol. VII. Edited by Michael Banasik. In 1885, the
St. Louis Missouri Republican began a Saturday series of articles on the Civil War by the participants, from the lowliest private to the most exalted general. The series ran for two years, comprising in all 94 articles, which dealt with all theaters of the war, including the high seas, from both the Northern and Southern perspectives. Being the home of most readers of the
Republican, Missouri figures prominently in the series. Due to the number of pieces on Missouri and the Trans-Mississippi, editor Michael Banasik has grouped them by year. Part Three of
Confederate "Tales of the War" contains only those articles dealing with events of 1863, from the Confederate perspective, including the Van Buren (AR) Raid, Arkansas Post, various skirmishes in northeast Louisiana, the Battles of Helena, Little Rock, Bayou Fourche, and Pine Bluff. Appendices include detailed orders of battle for Helena and Pine Bluff. Subsequent volumes in the series will include articles covering the rest of the war, also those from the Northern point of view.
244 pages, 6 x 9 paperback, illustrations, maps, notes, appendices, bibliography, index. (Published 2012; ISBN: 978-1-929919-45-1) $17.95.
Detailed Description.
Volume VII: CONFEDERATE "TALES OF THE WAR" IN THE TRANS-MISSISSIPPI, Part Four: 1864. From Winter Camp to Pleasant Hill and Jenkins' Ferry. Unwritten Chapters of the Civil War West of the River, vol. VII. Edited by Michael Banasik and Brenda F. Banasik.
In 1885, the
St. Louis Missouri Republican began a Saturday series of articles on the Civil War by the participants, from the lowliest private to the most exalted general. The series ran for two years, comprising in all 94 articles, which dealt with all theaters of the war, including the high seas, from both the Northern and Southern perspectives. Being the home of most readers of the
Republican, Missouri figures prominently in the series. Due to the number of pieces on Missouri and the Trans-Mississippi, editor Michael Banasik has grouped them by year.
Part Four of
Confederate "Tales of the War" contains only those articles dealing with events of spring 1864, from the Confederate perspective, including the Red River Campaign, the Camden Expedition, and the Battles of Pleasant Hill, Poison Spring, Marks' Mill, and Jenkin's Ferry. Appendices include biographies and detailed Confederate orders of battle. Subsequent volumes in the series will include articles covering the rest of the war, also those from the Northern point of view.
288 pages, 6 x 9 paperback, illustrations, maps, notes, appendices, bibliography, index. (Published 2015; ISBN: 978-1-929919-57-4) $17.95.
Detailed Description.
CONFEDERATE "TALES OF THE WAR" IN THE TRANS-MISSISSIPPI, Part Five: May 1864–August 1865. End of the Trans-Mississippi Confederacy, with River Operations, Price’s 1864 Missouri Raid, Irregular Operations (1861–1865), and the Confederate Exit to Mexico
Unwritten Chapters of the Civil War West of the River, vol. VII. Edited by Michael Banasik and Brenda F. Banasik.
In 1885, the St. Louis Missouri Republican began a Saturday series of articles on the Civil War by the participants, from the lowliest private to the most exalted general. The series ran for two years, comprising in all 94 articles, which dealt with all theaters of the war, including the high seas, from both the Northern and Southern perspectives. Being the home of most readers of the Republican, Missouri figures prominently in the series. Due to the number of pieces on Missouri and the Trans-Mississippi, editor Michael Banasik has grouped them by year.
Part Five deals with operations on the Mississippi and White Rivers; the Confederate Exodus to Mexico and the murder of General M. M. Parsons; Sterling Price's 1864 Missouri Raid; and irregular opertions during the war.
The publication of Part Five of the “Confederate Tales,” brings to completion the assorted stories of Confederate veterans, as they were printed in the Missouri Republican. In five volumes, a total of 89 pieces on the Trans-Mississippi Civil War by 52 different authors have been gathered together, which probably constitutes the greatest single collection of primary material ever assembled on the Trans-Mississippi to date.
532 pages, 6 x 9 paperback, illustrations, maps, notes, appendices, bibliography, index. (Published 2019; ISBN: 978-1-929919-82-6) $29.95.
Detailed Description.
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